We are all unique individuals. Kita memiliki anggota tubuh, penampilan, dan pikiran yang berbeda dengan orang lain. So be your self !!!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Straits of Hormuz

Leaving the Emirates behind us, we set sail to Oman, exiting the Persian Gulf and entering the Gulf of Oman once more. In doing this we cross a narrow strait at the northern tip of Oman, the “Hormuz Strait”, which separates the Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf. On the north coast is Iran and on the south coast is the United Arab Emirates and Musandam, an exclave of Oman. The strait at its narrowest is 33 miles (54 km) wide. It is the only sea passage to the open ocean for large areas of the petroleum-exporting Persian Gulf. It is said that between 20% and 40% of the world's oil supply passes through the strait, making it one of the world's most strategically important choke points.

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