We are all unique individuals. Kita memiliki anggota tubuh, penampilan, dan pikiran yang berbeda dengan orang lain. So be your self !!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Passover Celebration

Passover celebrates the Hebrew people’s Exodus from Egypt after years of servitude and disability. Their journey back to the land of Israel lasted forty years. During Passover, Matzo (unleavened bread) is eaten. It is a symbol of freedom, a reminder of the haste in which the Hebrew people left for the land of hopes and promise. The Seder service is read from the Hagadah, which tells the story of Passover and explains the symbolic foods that are eaten at the Seder table. The youngest person present asks the Four Questions, giving the leader the opportunity to tell the Passover story. Passover (Pesach in Hebrew) begins at sundown and lasts for seven or eight days, depending on whether one follows liberal or traditional Judaism.

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