We are all unique individuals. Kita memiliki anggota tubuh, penampilan, dan pikiran yang berbeda dengan orang lain. So be your self !!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Art of Aboriginal Australia

The art of Aboriginal Australia is the last great tradition of art to be appreciated by the world at large. Despite being one of the longest continuous traditions of art in the world, dating back at least fifty millennia, it remained relatively unknown until the second half of the twentieth century. Art is central to Aboriginal life. Whether it is made for political, social, utilitarian or didactic purposes—and these functions constantly overlap—art is inherently connected to the religious domain. The religious life of Aboriginal people centers on the Dreaming. The Dreaming is a European term used by Aborigines to describe the spiritual, natural and moral order of the cosmos. It relates to the period from the genesis of the universe to a time beyond living memory. Aboriginal art is a means by which the present is connected with the past and human beings with the supernatural world. Art activates the powers of the ancestral beings. Art expresses individual and group identity, and the relationships between people and the land. Because of Aboriginal art’s connection to the spiritual world, it was originally only created and viewed by those initiated to the proper level of awareness. However, in modern times, a significant body of art has emerged which is intended for the wider, public domain. Extracted from mix sources

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